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Ikkaido is committed to creating a truly inclusive society where everyone can participate, everyone can achieve, and everyone can enjoy the feelings that achievement brings. 

Who We Are


All of our staff and board of Trustees are disabled and disadvantaged persons. Ikkaido is inclusive at its core; we believe that our team of persons with disabilities and lived experience of trauma makes us uniquely qualified to tackle the societal issues that we ourselves face.


What We Do


A picture of a workshop on Inclusion and employability


We believe everyone has the right to meaningful work. We offer a range of life-changing inclusive apprenticeships and qualifications.

An image of EVA FEM discussion


Fancy travelling abroad for free? We have opportunities for carers and disadvantaged young people in our life-changing international youth projects.

a pair of young women celebrating during an inclusive badminton session


Health means more than the absence of illness. Our inclusive wellbeing programmes are designed to reach the people who need them most.

Martial ArtsBOOST | EVA-FEM

Why We Do It


Our experience has shown that inclusion is a journey that we call "The Way". Our goal is to create a truly inclusive pathway from empowerment to education, employment and ultimately eudaimonia. This is our "6E" strategy.

An image of Ray Sweeney leading a disabled karate session



To encourage participants to realise their self-worth and potential in society, the first barrier to cross is engagement. Inclusive Martial Arts has proven to be an immensely powerful tool in engaging and improving the self-confidence and self-regulation of marginalised people. Ikkaido takes a holistic view of inclusion as a reflection of society. All demographics of people are included in programmes rather than targeting specific groups, such as persons with a disability, because inclusion cannot be achieved through exclusion.

a group during an EVA FEM session



There is a persistent sense of powerlessness in marginalised people; persons with a disability are often targets for violent crime, including intolerance, bullying and aggression. Ikkaido delivers the same adapted self-defence techniques to all participants to combat this sense of impotence. Previous empowerment projects used self-defence alongside reflective non-formal learning activities to improve self-confidence and provide the tools to recover from severe life-changing trauma. Participants are empowered to design, deliver and manage their own wellbeing programmes.

a Large group working together during one of Ikkaidos courses


Ikkaido is a Recognised VET Centre regulated by OFQUAL in the development, writing and delivery of a suite of accessible, inclusive coaching, teaching and wellbeing courses with a focus on holistic, person-centred development through health enhancing physical activity.


A group giving a presentation on an Inclusive Cafe idea



Ikkaido improves entrepreneurial skills of disadvantaged young people through role play, theatre, gamification in non-formal learning and learner-led sessions. Entrepreneurial skills such as SMART goals and SWOT analysis build competences in problem solving, business start-up, finance and leadership, encouraging participants to become entrepreneurs or community changemakers. EmployABLE explored all of the roles required for the creation of Ikkaido Festivals of Inclusive Martial Arts around Europe.

an Ikkaido team meeting, including apprentices and full time staff members



Employability skills are embedded throughout the Ikkaido curricula, from someone's first Martial Arts lesson through to self-directed work in international projects. Ikkaido is partnered with Oxford Applied Training, University of Oxford and Open University to offer apprenticeships in many different fields of work in business, sport and charity, including Digital Marketing and Operational Management. Ikkaido is an approved Kickstart Scheme Employer.

Mel at Buckingham Palace



Eudaimonia is the final stage of inclusion. It is human flourishing in society; a person, regardless of their disadvantages, functioning to their fullest potential and realising changes in their community.

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